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AbstractSimulator - Class in xdevs.core.simulation
This class represents the abstraction of a parallel DEVS simulator, in xDEVS style.
AbstractSimulator(SimulationClock) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Creates a new simulator with the given simulation clock.
activate() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to activate the model with sigma 0.
addComponent(Component) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Adds a component to the coupled model.
addComponentsAndCouplings(Element) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Given a XML representation of a coupled model, this method adds the components and couplings to the current coupled model.
addCoupling(String, String, String, String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method add a connection to the DEVS component.
addCoupling(Component, int, Component, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method add a connection to the DEVS component.
addCoupling(Component, Port<?>, Component, Port<?>) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method add a connection to the DEVS component. This method is deprecated because since the addition of the parent attribute, both components cFrom and cTo are no longer needed inside the Coupling class.
addCoupling(Port<?>, Port<?>) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This member adds a connection between ports pFrom and pTo
addInPort(Port<?>) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function has been designed to add an input port to the component.
addInPort(Port<?>) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method adds a input port to the DEVS component.
addOutPort(Port<?>) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function has been designed to add an output port to the component.
addOutPort(Port<?>) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method adds a output port to the DEVS component.
addValue(E) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Adds a value to the port.
addValues(Collection<E>) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Adds a collection of values to the port.
Array_Glob_1 - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
Array_Glob_2 - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
Atomic - Class in xdevs.core.modeling
Abstract class for all atomic components in the DEVS formalism.
Atomic() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Constructor of the atomic model.
Atomic(String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Constructor of the atomic model.
auxPorts - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.distributed.CoupledDistributed
Auxiliary ports of the components.


Bool_Glob - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
buildHierarchy() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Builds the hierarchy of simulators for the model.
buildHierarchy() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.dynamic.CoordinatorDynamic
buildHierarchy() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
buildHierarchy() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
busyTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine


call() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.DistributedTask
call() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.TaskDeltFcn
call() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.TaskLambda
chained - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
The chained attribute is used to indicate if the component is chained to another component.
Char_Comp_1 - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
Char_Comp_2 - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
Char_Glob_1 - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
Char_Glob_2 - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
clear() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Empties the values stored in the port.
clear() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Empties the event list at the ports of the associated model.
clear() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
clear() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
clear() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
clear() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
clear() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Simulator
clock - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
Internal clock.
clock - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Internal clock.
clock - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
The simulation clock of the simulator.
command - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.DistributedTask
Command for the task
Component - Class in xdevs.core.modeling
Abstract class for all components in the DEVS formalism.
Component() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
The default constructor of the component.
Component(String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
The constructor of the component.
components - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
The components of the coupled model.
Constants - Class in xdevs.core.util
Constants used in the xDEVS framework.
Constants() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.util.Constants
Controller - Class in xdevs.core.simulation
This controller has been created to control the simulation in GUI-based environments.
Controller(Coordinator) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Creates a new controller with the given coordinator.
coordinator - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
The coordinator of the simulation.
Coordinator - Class in xdevs.core.simulation
This class represents a parallel DEVS coordinator, in xDEVS style.
Coordinator(Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Creates a new coordinator with the given model, not flattened.
Coordinator(Coupled, boolean) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Creates a new coordinator with the given model and whether to flatten it or not.
Coordinator(SimulationClock, Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Creates a new coordinator with the given simulation clock and model, not flattened.
Coordinator(SimulationClock, Coupled, boolean) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Creates a new coordinator with the given simulation clock and model.
coordinatorAsString - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Coordinator used for the simulation
CoordinatorDistributed - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.distributed
Coordinator for distributed simulation This class implements the coordinator for a distributed simulation.
CoordinatorDistributed(CoupledDistributed) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
Constructor for the distributed coordinator.
CoordinatorDistributed(SimulationClock, CoupledDistributed) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
Constructor for the distributed coordinator.
CoordinatorDynamic - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.dynamic
Dynamic coordinator This class implements a dynamic coordinator for variable structure DEVS models.
CoordinatorDynamic(Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.dynamic.CoordinatorDynamic
Constructor for the dynamic coordinator.
CoordinatorDynamic(SimulationClock, Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.dynamic.CoordinatorDynamic
Constructor for the dynamic coordinator.
CoordinatorParallel - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.parallel
Parallel coordinator This class implements a parallel coordinator for DEVS models.
CoordinatorParallel(Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
Constructor for the parallel coordinator.
CoordinatorParallel(Coupled, int) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
Constructor for the parallel coordinator.
CoordinatorParallel(SimulationClock, Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
Constructor for the parallel coordinator.
CoordinatorParallel(SimulationClock, Coupled, int) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
Constructor for the parallel coordinator.
CoordinatorProfile - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.profile
Coordinator to perform a profiling of the simulation.
CoordinatorProfile(Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
Constructor for the profile coordinator.
CoordinatorProfile(SimulationClock, Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
Constructor for the profile coordinator.
countAtomicComponents() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method returns the number of atomic components in the coupled model.
counter - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
Counter of events
coupled - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
The coupled model to simulate as an atomic model.
Coupled - Class in xdevs.core.modeling
Class for the coupled models in the DEVS formalism.
Coupled() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
The constructor of the coupled model.
Coupled(String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
The constructor of the coupled model.
Coupled(Element) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
The constructor of the coupled model.
Coupled2Atomic - Class in xdevs.core.modeling
Class that makes a coupled model behave as an atomic model.
Coupled2Atomic(Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
Constructor of the class.
CoupledDistributed - Class in xdevs.core.modeling.distributed
This class represents a distributed coupled model.
CoupledDistributed(Element) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.distributed.CoupledDistributed
Constructor of the class.
Coupling<E> - Class in xdevs.core.modeling
Class for the couplings between components in the DEVS formalism.
Coupling(Port<E>, Port<E>) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupling
Constructor of the coupling.
currentJob - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
Current job being processed.


DEFAULT_DESTINATION_HOST - Static variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.PingMessage
Default destination host.
DEFAULT_DESTINATION_PORT - Static variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.PingMessage
Default destination port.
delayDistribution - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Distribution used to compute transition delays
deltcon(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
deltcon(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
deltext(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
deltext(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
deltext(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
deltext(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
deltext(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
deltext(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
deltext(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
External transition method of the atomic model.
deltext(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
deltfcn() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Executes one of the transition functions of the DEVS simulation, depending on the current state of the model and whether there are new events or not.
deltfcn() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
deltfcn() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
deltfcn() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.dynamic.CoordinatorDynamic
deltfcn() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
deltfcn() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
deltfcn() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
deltfcn() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Simulator
deltfcnTasks - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
deltint() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
deltint() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
deltint() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
deltint() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
deltint() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
deltint() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
deltint() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Internal transition method of the atomic model.
deltint() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
depth - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Depth of the model
DevsLogger - Class in xdevs.core.util
Logger class for the xDEVS framework.
DevsLogger() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.util.DevsLogger
DevStone - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Coupled model to study the performance using DEVStone.
DevStone(String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
DevStoneAtomic - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
DEVStone atomic model
DevStoneAtomic(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
DevStoneAtomic(String, double, RealDistribution) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
DevStoneAtomic(Element) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
DevStoneCoupledHI - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Coupled model to study the performance HI DEVStone models
DevStoneCoupledHI(String, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHI
DevStoneCoupledHI(String, int, int, double, RealDistribution) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHI
DevStoneCoupledHO - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Coupled model to study the performance HO DEVStone models
DevStoneCoupledHO(String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
DevStoneCoupledHO(String, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
DevStoneCoupledHO(String, int, int, double, RealDistribution) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
DevStoneCoupledHOmem - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
This class is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
DevStoneCoupledHOmem(String, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmem
DevStoneCoupledHOmem(String, int, int, double, RealDistribution) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmem
DevStoneCoupledHOmod - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Coupled model to study the performance HOmod DEVStone models
DevStoneCoupledHOmod(String, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmod
DevStoneCoupledHOmod(String, int, int, double, RealDistribution) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmod
DevStoneCoupledLI - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Coupled model to study the performance LI DEVStone models
DevStoneCoupledLI(String, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledLI
DevStoneCoupledLI(String, int, int, double, RealDistribution) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledLI
DevStoneGenerator - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Events generator for the DEVStone benchmark
DevStoneGenerator(String, double, double, int) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
DevStoneGenerator(Element) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
DevStoneSimulation - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Class to perform DEVStone simulations
DevStoneSimulation() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
DevStoneSimulation.BenchmarkType - Enum in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Enum to define the type of benchmark
dhrystone - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Dhrystone benchmark.
Dhrystone - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Class to run the Dhrystone benchmark 2.1 for a given amount of time.
Dhrystone() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
Dhrystone.Record_Type - Class in xdevs.core.examples.devstone
Discr - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
DistributedDaemon - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.distributed
Daemon for distributed simulation This class implements a daemon for distributed simulation.
DistributedDaemon(int, SimulatorDistributed) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.DistributedDaemon
Constructor for the distributed daemon.
DistributedTask - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.distributed
Task for distributed simulation This class implements a task for distributed simulation.
DistributedTask(String, Integer, int, String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.DistributedTask
Constructor for the distributed task.
distribution - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Distribution used to compute transition delays
DS_CLEAR - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
DS_DELTFCN - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
DS_EXIT - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
DS_INITIALIZE - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
DS_LAMBDA - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
DS_NONE - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
DS_PROPAGATE_OUTPUT - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
DS_PROPAGATE_OUTPUT_N2N - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
DS_TA - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants


Ef - Class in xdevs.core.examples.efp
Experimental-Frame DEVS coupled model.
Ef(String, double, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Ef
Efp - Class in xdevs.core.examples.efp
Experimental-Frame + Processor (EFP) DEVS coupled model.
Efp(String, double, double, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Efp
eic - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
The external input couplings of the coupled model.
Enum_Comp - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
Enum_Comp_2 - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
eoc - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
The external output couplings of the coupled model.
execute(double) - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
executeTasksList(int) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
Execute a list of tasks in the distributed simulation.
executionTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
executor - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
Exit function.
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method is called by the simulator right after the simulation ends.
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
This is a special function, out of the DEVS formalism, that allows to realize some actions when the simulation ends.
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
exit() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Simulator
extDelayTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
External delay time.


Factory - Class in xdevs.core.examples.dynamic
Factory with dynamic number of machines.
Factory(String, double, double, double, int) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Factory
First_Record - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
flatten() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method flattens the coupled model, removing all the coupled models and adding their components to the parent coupled model.
flattened - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
If the model is flattened
format(LogRecord) - Method in class xdevs.core.util.LoggerFormatter
formatter - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.LoggerFormatter
framework - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Coupled model: generator + DEVStone model


Generator - Class in xdevs.core.examples.efp
Generator of jobs.
Generator(String, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
Generator(Element) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
Constructor from XML
getAuxPort(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.distributed.CoupledDistributed
Get the auxiliary port of a component.
getClock() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Gets the simulation clock of the simulator.
getClock() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
getClock() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
getCommand() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Get the command for the message.
getComponentByName(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Get the first component (including this coupled model) whose name match with name argument.
getComponents() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Get the components of the coupled model.
getEIC() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Get the external input couplings of the coupled model.
getElapsedTime(long) - Method in class xdevs.core.util.LoggerFormatter
Get the elapsed time since the start of the logger.
getEOC() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Get the external output couplings of the coupled model.
getExtDelayTime() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Get the external delay time
getHost(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.distributed.CoupledDistributed
Get the host of a component.
getIC() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Get the input couplings of the coupled model.
getInPort(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function has been designed to obtain an input port of the component.
getInPorts() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function has been designed to obtain the list of input ports of the component.
getIntDelayTime() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Get the internal delay time
getMainPort(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.distributed.CoupledDistributed
Get the main port of a component.
getMaxEvents() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
Get the maximum number of events to generate
getMessage() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Get the message for the message.
getModel() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Gets the associated model of the simulator.
getModel() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
getModel() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Simulator
getName() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
Get the name of the component.
getName() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Get the name of the port.
getOut - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.SimulatorDistributed
Boolean to indicate if the simulation has finished.
getOutPort(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function has been designed to obtain an output port of the component.
getOutPorts() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function has been designed to obtain the list of output ports of the component.
getParent() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function has been designed to obtain the parent component of the component.
getParent() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Returns the parent of the DEVS component.
getParent() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Get the parent component of the port.
getPeriod() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
Get the period
getPhase() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to get the phase of the model.
getPortFrom() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupling
Returns the source port of the coupling.
getPortTo() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupling
Returns the destination port of the coupling.
getPreparationTime() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Get the preparation time
getPreparationTime() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
Get the preparation time
getSigma() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to get the time until the next internal transition of the model.
getSimulationClock() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Returns the simulation clock.
getSimulators() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Returns the simulators of the components of the model.
getSimulators() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
getSingleValue() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Returns the first value stored in the port.
getTime() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.SimulationClock
Gets the current simulation time.
getTL() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
getTL() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
getTL() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
getTN() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Gets the time of the next event.
getTN() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
getTN() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
getValues() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Returns the values stored in the port.
getValuesPort() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Get the collection of values for the message.
Gpt - Class in xdevs.core.examples.efp
Gpt model.
Gpt(String, double, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Gpt
GptXml - Class in xdevs.core.examples.efp
Gpt XML simulation model.
GptXml(Element) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.GptXml


HI - xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation.BenchmarkType
HO - xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation.BenchmarkType
holdIn(String, double) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to hold the model in a given phase for a given time.
HOmem - xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation.BenchmarkType
HOmod - xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation.BenchmarkType
host - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.DistributedTask
Host for the task
hosts - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.distributed.CoupledDistributed
Hosts of the components.


iArrived - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Input port for arrived jobs.
ic - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
The input couplings of the coupled model.
id - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Job
Job id
Ident_1 - Static variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
Ident_2 - Static variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
Ident_3 - Static variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
Ident_4 - Static variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
Ident_5 - Static variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
ignoringJob - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
iIn - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
DEVStone input port
iIn - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Input port
iIn - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Ef
Input port.
iIn - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
Input port.
iInAux - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
Additional input port
iInAux - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmem
Additional input port
iInAux - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmod
Additional input port
iJob - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
INFINITY - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
Initialize the component.
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method is called by the simulator to initialize the DEVS component.
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Initializes the simulator and the associated model.
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
initialize() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Simulator
inPorts - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
The list of input ports of the component.
Int_Comp - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
Int_Glob - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
intDelayTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Internal delay time.
interpreter(MessageDistributed) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.SimulatorDistributed
This function interprets the message and executes the command.
isEmpty() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Returns true if the port is empty.
isGetOut() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.SimulatorDistributed
Gets the boolean to indicate if the simulation has finished.
isInputEmpty() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function checks if the input ports of the component are empty.
iSolved - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Input port for solved jobs.
iStop - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator


Job - Class in xdevs.core.examples.efp
Job class for the GPT or EFP examples.
Job(String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Job
jobCounter - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
jobsArrived - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Jobs arrived.
jobsSolved - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Jobs processed.


lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Output function of the atomic model.
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Executes the output function of the DEVS simulation.
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
lambda() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Simulator
lambdaTasks - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
LI - xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation.BenchmarkType
loadXml - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Path to load an XML file with the model defined
LoggerFormatter - Class in xdevs.core.util
Formatter for the xDEVS logger.
LoggerFormatter() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.util.LoggerFormatter
Constructor for the LoggerFormatter.
logPath - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Path where the logger will be saved


Machine - Class in xdevs.core.examples.dynamic
Machine class for the Factory example.
Machine(String, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
machines - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Factory
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.distributed.gpt.RunDistributedSimulation
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Factory
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Efp
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Gpt
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.GptXml
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.modeling.distributed.CoupledDistributed
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.simulation.dynamic.CoordinatorDynamic
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
main(String[]) - Static method in class xdevs.core.simulation.realtime.RTCentralCoordinator
mainPorts - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.distributed.CoupledDistributed
Main ports of the components.
maxEvents - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
Maximum number of events to generate
maxMachines - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Factory
message - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.DistributedTask
Message for the task
MessageDistributed - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.distributed
Message for distributed simulation.
MessageDistributed() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Constructor for the distributed message.
MessageDistributed(int, String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Constructor for the distributed message.
MessageDistributed(int, String, Collection<?>) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Constructor for the distributed message.
MessageDistributed(String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Constructor for the distributed message.
model - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Benchmark model
model - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
The model to simulate.
model - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.Simulator
The model to simulate.
myThread - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.realtime.RTCentralCoordinator


name - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
The name of the component.
name - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
The name of the port.
Next_Record_Glob - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
numAtomicsInTheory(int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
Theoretical number of atomic models in the DEVStone model
numAtomicsInTheory(int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHI
numAtomicsInTheory(int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
numAtomicsInTheory(int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmem
numAtomicsInTheory(int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmod
numAtomicsInTheory(int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledLI
Number_Of_Runs - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
numberOfThreads - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
numCallsToClear - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToClear - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToDeltFcn - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToDeltFcn - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToExit - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToExit - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToGetClock - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToGetClock - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToGetSimulators - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToGetTL - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToGetTL - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToGetTN - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToGetTN - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToInitialize - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToInitialize - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToLambda - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToLambda - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToPropagateInput - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToPropagateOutput - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToSetTL - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToSetTL - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToSetTN - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToSetTN - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numCallsToTa - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
numCallsToTa - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
numDeltExts - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Number of external transitions performed
numDeltExtsInPractice() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
Number of external transitions performed in the current DEVStone model
numDeltExtsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
Theoretical number of external transitions performed in the simulation of the DEVStone model
numDeltExtsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHI
numDeltExtsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
numDeltExtsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmem
numDeltExtsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmod
numDeltExtsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledLI
numDeltInts - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Number of internal transitions performed
numDeltIntsInPractice() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
Number of internal transitions performed in the current DEVStone model
numDeltIntsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
Theoretical number of internal transitions performed in the simulation of the DEVStone model
numDeltIntsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHI
numDeltIntsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
numDeltIntsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmem
numDeltIntsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmod
numDeltIntsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledLI
numEventsInPractice() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
Number of events internally received in all the external transition functions.
numEventsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
Theoretical number of events internally received in all the external transition functions.
numEventsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHI
numEventsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
numEventsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmem
numEventsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHOmod
numEventsInTheory(int, int, int) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledLI
numOfEvents - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Number of events received
numThreads - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Number of threads used in the parallel coordinator


observationTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Observation time before finishing the simulation.
oJobIgnored - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
oJobSolved - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
oOut - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStone
DEVStone output port
oOut - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Output port
oOut - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
Output port
oOut - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Ef
Output port.
oOut - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
oOut - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
Output port.
oOut - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Output port to finish the simulation.
oOutAux - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneCoupledHO
Additional output port
outPorts - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
The list of output ports of the component.


parent - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
The parent component of this component.
parent - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
The parent component of the port.
parent - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.SimulatorDistributed
Parent coupled model for the simulator.
passivate() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to passivate the model with sigma infinity.
passivate(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to passivate the model in a given phase.
passivateIn(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
pauseSimulation() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Pauses the simulation
period - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
period - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Generator
phase - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
The phase of the atomic model.
PHASE_ACTIVE - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
PHASE_BUSY - Static variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
PHASE_BUSY_IGNORING - Static variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
PHASE_IDLE - Static variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
PHASE_PASSIVE - Static variable in class xdevs.core.util.Constants
phaseIs(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to check if the model is in a given phase.
ping() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.PingMessage
Send the message and receive the response.
PingMessage - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.distributed
Class to transmit a message to a remote host and receive the response.
PingMessage(MessageDistributed) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.PingMessage
Constructor for the ping message.
PingMessage(MessageDistributed, String, int) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.PingMessage
Constructor for the ping message.
port - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.DistributedTask
Port for the task
Port<E> - Class in xdevs.core.modeling
Class for the ports of the components in the DEVS formalism.
Port() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Constructor of the port.
Port(String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Constructor of the port.
portFrom - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupling
The source port of the coupling.
portTo - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupling
The destination port of the coupling.
preparationTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
Preparation time.
preparationTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
Preparation time.
printUsage() - Static method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
processingJob - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
processingTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Factory
processingTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Machine
processingTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
Processing time.
Processor - Class in xdevs.core.examples.efp
Processor of jobs.
Processor(String, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
Processor(Element) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Processor
Constructor from XML
propagateInput() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Propagates the input of the model.
propagateInput() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
propagateOutput() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Propagates the output of the model.
propagateOutput() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
propagateOutput() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.SimulatorDistributed
Propagates the output of the model to the input of the connected models.
propagateOutput() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
propagateOutputN2N(Collection, String) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.SimulatorDistributed
Propagates the output of the model to the input of the connected models.
propagateValues() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupling
Propagates the values from the source port to the destination port.


Record_Comp - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
Record_Glob - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
Record_Type() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
removeComponent(Component) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Remove a component, and related coupling relations from the coupled model.
resume(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to updated sigma in the external transition function.
resumeSimulation() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Resumes the simulation
RTCentralCoordinator - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.realtime
Real-time central coordinator This class implements a real-time central coordinator for DEVS models.
RTCentralCoordinator(Coupled) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.realtime.RTCentralCoordinator
Constructor for the real-time central coordinator.
run() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
run() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.SimulatorDistributed
Run the simulator.
run() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.realtime.RTCentralCoordinator
run(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
RunDistributedSimulation - Class in xdevs.core.examples.distributed.gpt
Node class to run a distributed simulation.
RunDistributedSimulation() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.distributed.gpt.RunDistributedSimulation
runSimulation() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Runs the simulation during a given time interval


saveXml - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Path to save an XML file with the model defined
Second_Record - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone
seed - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Seed for the distribution
setCommand(int) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Set the command for the message.
setMessage(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Set the message for the message.
setParent(Component) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function has been designed to set the parent component of the component.
setParent(Component) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
Sets the parent of the DEVS component.
setPhase(String) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to set the phase of the model.
setSigma(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to set the time until the next internal transition of the model.
setTime(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Job
Set the job time
setTime(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.SimulationClock
Sets the current simulation time.
setTimeScale(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.realtime.RTCentralCoordinator
Set the time scale factor.
setTL(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Sets the time of the last event.
setTL(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
setTL(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
setTN(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Sets the time of the next event.
setTN(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
setTN(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
setup() - Static method in class xdevs.core.util.DevsLogger
Setup the logger with the default file path and level.
setup(String, Level) - Static method in class xdevs.core.util.DevsLogger
Setup the logger with the default file path and level.
setup(Level) - Static method in class xdevs.core.util.DevsLogger
Setup the logger with the default file path and level.
setValuesPort(Collection<?>) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
Set the collection of values for the message.
showState() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to get the state of the model.
sigma - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
The time until the next internal transition of the model.
simInject(double, Port<Object>, Object) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Injects a single value into the port "port", calling the transition function.
simInject(double, Port<Object>, Object) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Injects a single value in the given input port with elapsed time e.
simInject(double, Port<Object>, Collection<Object>) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Injects a value into the port "port", calling the transition function.
simInject(double, Port<Object>, Collection<Object>) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Injects a value into the port "port", calling the transition function.
simInject(Port<Object>, Object) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Injects a single value into the port "port", calling the transition function.
simInject(Port<Object>, Object) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Injects a single value in the given input port with elapsed time e equal to 0.
simInject(Port<Object>, Collection<Object>) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Injects a value into the port "port", calling the transition function.
simInject(Port<Object>, Collection<Object>) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
Injects a set of values in the given input port with elapsed time e equal to 0.
simulate(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
This function is used to simulate the model for a given time interval.
simulate(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
simulate(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
simulate(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.realtime.RTCentralCoordinator
simulate(long) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
This function is used to simulate the model for a given number of iterations.
simulate(long) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.CoordinatorParallel
simulate(long) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
SimulationClock - Class in xdevs.core.simulation
This class represents the simulation clock.
SimulationClock() - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.SimulationClock
Creates a new simulation clock with initial time 0.
SimulationClock(double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.SimulationClock
Creates a new simulation clock with the given initial time.
simulator - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.TaskDeltFcn
simulator - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.TaskLambda
Simulator - Class in xdevs.core.simulation
This class represents a parallel DEVS simulator, in xDEVS style.
Simulator(SimulationClock, Atomic) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.Simulator
Creates a new simulator with the given simulation clock and model.
SimulatorDistributed - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.distributed
Simulator for distributed simulation.
SimulatorDistributed(CoupledDistributed, String) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.SimulatorDistributed
Constructor for the distributed simulator.
SimulatorProfile - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.profile
Profiling simulation class.
SimulatorProfile(SimulationClock, Atomic) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
simulators - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
The simulators of the components of the model.
start() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.DistributedDaemon
Start the daemon
startSimulation(double) - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Starts the simulation, initializing the coordinator
startTime - Variable in class xdevs.core.util.LoggerFormatter
stepSimulation() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Performs a single step in the simulation loop
stone - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
DEVStone model
String_Comp - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
String_Comp_2 - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.Dhrystone.Record_Type
structuralTransition() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Factory
structuralTransition() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method is called by the simulator to check possible structural changes.
structuralTransition() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.dynamic.CoordinatorDynamic
Perform a structural transition in the model.


ta() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to get the time until the next internal transition of the model.
ta() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled2Atomic
ta() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
Executes the time advance mechanism of the DEVS simulation.
ta() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Coordinator
ta() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.CoordinatorDistributed
ta() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
ta() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
ta() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Simulator
TaskDeltFcn - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.parallel
Parallel task for the transition function This class implements a task for the transition function of a parallel simulator.
TaskDeltFcn(AbstractSimulator) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.TaskDeltFcn
Constructor for the task.
TaskLambda - Class in xdevs.core.simulation.parallel
Parallel task for the lambda function This class implements a task for the lambda function of a parallel simulator.
TaskLambda(AbstractSimulator) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.simulation.parallel.TaskLambda
Constructor for the task.
terminateSimulation() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
Finishes the current simulation
tF - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.Controller
The final time of the simulation.
time - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Job
Time in which the job was started to be processed.
time - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.SimulationClock
The current time of the simulation.
timeInterval - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.realtime.RTCentralCoordinator
timeScale - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.realtime.RTCentralCoordinator
timeUsedByClear - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByClear - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedByDeltFcn - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByDeltFcn - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedByExit - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByExit - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedByGetClock - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByGetClock - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedByGetSimulators - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByGetTL - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByGetTL - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedByGetTN - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByGetTN - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedByInitialize - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByInitialize - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedByLambda - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByLambda - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedByPropagateInput - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByPropagateOutput - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedBySetTL - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedBySetTL - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedBySetTN - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedBySetTN - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
timeUsedByTa - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
timeUsedByTa - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
tL - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
The time of the last event.
tN - Variable in class xdevs.core.simulation.AbstractSimulator
The time of the next event.
toString() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Job
toString() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function builds the string representation of the component.
toString() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupling
Returns the string representation of the coupling.
toString() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
Returns the qualified name of the port.
toString() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.distributed.MessageDistributed
toString() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.CoordinatorProfile
toString() - Method in class xdevs.core.simulation.profile.SimulatorProfile
totalTa - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Total time consumed by the jobs.
toXml() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneAtomic
toXml() - Method in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneGenerator
toXml() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Atomic
Method to get the XML representation of the model.
toXml() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
This function has been designed to obtain the XML representation of the component.
toXml() - Method in class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
This method returns the XML representation of the coupled model.
transducer - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.dynamic.Factory
Transducer - Class in xdevs.core.examples.efp
Transducer The transducer collects statistics about the jobs.
Transducer(String, double) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Transducer(Element) - Constructor for class xdevs.core.examples.efp.Transducer
Constructor from XML


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation.BenchmarkType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.Port
The values stored in the port.
values() - Static method in enum xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation.BenchmarkType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


width - Variable in class xdevs.core.examples.devstone.DevStoneSimulation
Width of the model


xdevs.core.examples.devstone - package xdevs.core.examples.devstone
xdevs.core.examples.distributed.gpt - package xdevs.core.examples.distributed.gpt
xdevs.core.examples.dynamic - package xdevs.core.examples.dynamic
xdevs.core.examples.efp - package xdevs.core.examples.efp
xdevs.core.modeling - package xdevs.core.modeling
xdevs.core.modeling.distributed - package xdevs.core.modeling.distributed
xdevs.core.simulation - package xdevs.core.simulation
xdevs.core.simulation.distributed - package xdevs.core.simulation.distributed
xdevs.core.simulation.dynamic - package xdevs.core.simulation.dynamic
xdevs.core.simulation.parallel - package xdevs.core.simulation.parallel
xdevs.core.simulation.profile - package xdevs.core.simulation.profile
xdevs.core.simulation.realtime - package xdevs.core.simulation.realtime
xdevs.core.util - package xdevs.core.util
xmlCoupled - Variable in class xdevs.core.modeling.distributed.CoupledDistributed
XML element with the model definition.
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