Class RunDistributedSimulation

  • public class RunDistributedSimulation
    extends Object
    Node class to run a distributed simulation. The first argument is always the file name of the complete XML model. If there is a second argument, it is the name of the atomic model to simulate. Node is executed as a stand-alone DEVS simulator. On the other hand, if there is only one argument, the coordinator is executed. The coordinator is responsible for initializing the simulation and running it until the end. The coordinator is also responsible for the finalization of the simulation. The simulator is responsible for running a single atomic model. All the simulation is orchestrated by passing messages between the coordinator and the simulators. Example: $ java -cp xdevs.jar xdevs.core.examples.distributed.gpt.RunDistributedSimulation gpt.xml $ java -cp xdevs.jar xdevs.core.examples.distributed.gpt.RunDistributedSimulation gpt.xml Generator $ java -cp xdevs.jar xdevs.core.examples.distributed.gpt.RunDistributedSimulation gpt.xml Processor $ java -cp xdevs.jar xdevs.core.examples.distributed.gpt.RunDistributedSimulation gpt.xml Transducer
    • Constructor Detail

      • RunDistributedSimulation

        public RunDistributedSimulation()
    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)