Class Component

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    Atomic, Coupled

    public abstract class Component
    extends Object
    Abstract class for all components in the DEVS formalism. A component is a model that can be connected to other components to form a hierarchical model. It has input and output ports to communicate with other components. The component has a parent component, which is the component that contains this component. The parent component is null if this component is the root component of the model. The component has a list of input ports and a list of output ports. The input ports are used to receive input from other components, and the output ports are used to send output to other components.
    • Field Detail

      • parent

        protected Component parent
        The parent component of this component. The parent component is the component that contains this component. The parent component is null if this component is the root component of the model.
      • name

        protected String name
        The name of the component. The name is used to identify the component in the model.
      • inPorts

        protected ArrayList<Port<?>> inPorts
        The list of input ports of the component. The input ports are used to receive input from other components.
      • outPorts

        protected ArrayList<Port<?>> outPorts
        The list of output ports of the component. The output ports are used to send output to other components.
      • chained

        protected Boolean chained
        The chained attribute is used to indicate if the component is chained to another component. A component is chained to another component if the output ports of the first component are connected to the input ports of the second component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Component

        public Component​(String name)
        The constructor of the component. The constructor receives the name of the component. The name is used to identify the component in the model.
        name - The name of the component.
      • Component

        public Component()
        The default constructor of the component. The default constructor creates a component with the name "Component".
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the name of the component.
        The name of the component.
      • initialize

        public abstract void initialize()
        Initialize the component. The initialize method is called when the simulation starts. The initialize method is used to initialize the component before the simulation starts.
      • exit

        public abstract void exit()
        Exit function. The exit function is called when the simulation ends. The exit function is used to release resources used by the component.
      • toXml

        public abstract String toXml()
        This function has been designed to obtain the XML representation of the component. The XML representation of the component is used to save the model to a file.
        The XML representation of the component.
      • isInputEmpty

        public boolean isInputEmpty()
        This function checks if the input ports of the component are empty. The input ports are empty if they do not have any input.
        True if the input ports of the component are empty, false otherwise.
      • addInPort

        public void addInPort​(Port<?> port)
        This function has been designed to add an input port to the component. The input port is added to the list of input ports of the component.
        port - The input port to be added to the component.
      • getInPort

        public Port<?> getInPort​(String portName)
        This function has been designed to obtain an input port of the component.
        portName - The name of the input port to be obtained.
        The input port with the specified name. If the input port does not exist, the function returns null.
      • getInPorts

        public Collection<Port<?>> getInPorts()
        This function has been designed to obtain the list of input ports of the component.
        The list of input ports of the component.
      • addOutPort

        public void addOutPort​(Port<?> port)
        This function has been designed to add an output port to the component. The output port is added to the list of output ports of the component.
        port - The output port to be added to the component.
      • getOutPort

        public Port<?> getOutPort​(String portName)
        This function has been designed to obtain an output port of the component.
        portName - The name of the output port to be obtained.
        The output port with the specified name. If the output port does not exist, the function returns null.
      • getOutPorts

        public Collection<Port<?>> getOutPorts()
        This function has been designed to obtain the list of output ports of the component.
        The list of output ports of the component.
      • getParent

        public Component getParent()
        This function has been designed to obtain the parent component of the component.
        The parent component of the component.
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(Component parent)
        This function has been designed to set the parent component of the component.
        parent - The parent component of the component.
      • toString

        public String toString()
        This function builds the string representation of the component. The string representation of the component is used to print the component to the standard output.
        toString in class Object
        The string representation of the component.