Class DistributedTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DistributedTask
    extends Object
    implements Callable<String>
    Task for distributed simulation This class implements a task for distributed simulation. It extends the Callable class and implements the call method to execute the task.
    • Field Detail

      • host

        protected String host
        Host for the task
      • port

        protected Integer port
        Port for the task
      • command

        protected int command
        Command for the task
      • message

        protected String message
        Message for the task
    • Constructor Detail

      • DistributedTask

        public DistributedTask​(String host,
                               Integer port,
                               int command,
                               String message)
        Constructor for the distributed task.
        host - Host for the task
        port - Port for the task
        command - Command for the task
        message - Message for the task