All Classes
All Classes Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AbstractSimulator This class represents the abstraction of a parallel DEVS simulator, in xDEVS style.Atomic Abstract class for all atomic components in the DEVS formalism.Component Abstract class for all components in the DEVS formalism.Constants Constants used in the xDEVS framework.Controller This controller has been created to control the simulation in GUI-based environments.Coordinator This class represents a parallel DEVS coordinator, in xDEVS style.CoordinatorDistributed Coordinator for distributed simulation This class implements the coordinator for a distributed simulation.CoordinatorDynamic Dynamic coordinator This class implements a dynamic coordinator for variable structure DEVS models.CoordinatorParallel Parallel coordinator This class implements a parallel coordinator for DEVS models.CoordinatorProfile Coordinator to perform a profiling of the simulation.Coupled Class for the coupled models in the DEVS formalism.Coupled2Atomic Class that makes a coupled model behave as an atomic model.CoupledDistributed This class represents a distributed coupled model.Coupling<E> Class for the couplings between components in the DEVS formalism.DevsLogger Logger class for the xDEVS framework.DevStone Coupled model to study the performance using DEVStone.DevStoneAtomic DEVStone atomic modelDevStoneCoupledHI Coupled model to study the performance HI DEVStone modelsDevStoneCoupledHO Coupled model to study the performance HO DEVStone modelsDevStoneCoupledHOmem Deprecated. This class is deprecated and will be removed in the future.DevStoneCoupledHOmod Coupled model to study the performance HOmod DEVStone modelsDevStoneCoupledLI Coupled model to study the performance LI DEVStone modelsDevStoneGenerator Events generator for the DEVStone benchmarkDevStoneSimulation Class to perform DEVStone simulationsDevStoneSimulation.BenchmarkType Enum to define the type of benchmarkDhrystone Class to run the Dhrystone benchmark 2.1 for a given amount of time.DistributedDaemon Daemon for distributed simulation This class implements a daemon for distributed simulation.DistributedTask Task for distributed simulation This class implements a task for distributed simulation.Ef Experimental-Frame DEVS coupled model.Efp Experimental-Frame + Processor (EFP) DEVS coupled model.Factory Factory with dynamic number of machines.Generator Generator of jobs.Gpt Gpt model.GptXml Gpt XML simulation model.Job Job class for the GPT or EFP examples.LoggerFormatter Formatter for the xDEVS logger.Machine Machine class for the Factory example.MessageDistributed Message for distributed simulation.PingMessage Class to transmit a message to a remote host and receive the response.Port<E> Class for the ports of the components in the DEVS formalism.Processor Processor of jobs.RTCentralCoordinator Real-time central coordinator This class implements a real-time central coordinator for DEVS models.RunDistributedSimulation Node class to run a distributed simulation.SimulationClock This class represents the simulation clock.Simulator This class represents a parallel DEVS simulator, in xDEVS style.SimulatorDistributed Simulator for distributed simulation.SimulatorProfile Profiling simulation class.TaskDeltFcn Parallel task for the transition function This class implements a task for the transition function of a parallel simulator.TaskLambda Parallel task for the lambda function This class implements a task for the lambda function of a parallel simulator.Transducer Transducer The transducer collects statistics about the jobs.