Package xdevs.core.examples.efp
Class Ef
- java.lang.Object
- xdevs.core.modeling.Component
- xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
- xdevs.core.examples.efp.Ef
public class Ef extends Coupled
Experimental-Frame DEVS coupled model. This class has been designed to simulate the Ef model, which contains the Generator and Transducer models.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class xdevs.core.modeling.Coupled
addComponent, addComponentsAndCouplings, addCoupling, addCoupling, addCoupling, addCoupling, addInPort, addOutPort, countAtomicComponents, exit, flatten, getComponentByName, getComponents, getEIC, getEOC, getIC, getParent, initialize, removeComponent, setParent, structuralTransition, toXml
Methods inherited from class xdevs.core.modeling.Component
getInPort, getInPorts, getName, getOutPort, getOutPorts, isInputEmpty, toString