Class Coupling<E>

  • public class Coupling<E>
    extends Object
    Class for the couplings between components in the DEVS formalism. A coupling is a connection between two ports of two different components. The coupling is used to propagate the values from the output port to the input port.
    • Field Detail

      • portFrom

        protected Port<E> portFrom
        The source port of the coupling.
      • portTo

        protected Port<E> portTo
        The destination port of the coupling.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Coupling

        public Coupling​(Port<E> portFrom,
                        Port<E> portTo)
        Constructor of the coupling.
        portFrom - The source port of the coupling.
        portTo - The destination port of the coupling.
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        public String toString()
        Returns the string representation of the coupling.
        toString in class Object
      • propagateValues

        public void propagateValues()
        Propagates the values from the source port to the destination port.
      • getPortFrom

        public Port<E> getPortFrom()
        Returns the source port of the coupling.
        The source port of the coupling.
      • getPortTo

        public Port<E> getPortTo()
        Returns the destination port of the coupling.
        The destination port of the coupling.