Class DTLZ7

public class DTLZ7 extends DTLZ
DTLZ7 problem This class represents the DTLZ7 problem. It is a subclass of the DTLZ class. The DTLZ7 problem has the following properties: - Number of variables: 22 - Number of objectives: 3 - Bounds for variables: [0, 1] - Type of variables: real - Pareto front: convex - Pareto set: convex The DTLZ7 problem is defined as follows: - Minimize f1, f2, f3 - f1 = x1 - f2 = x2 - f3 = (1 + g) * h - g = 1 + 9 * sum_{i=numberOfVariables-k+1}^{numberOfVariables} x_i / k - h = numberOfObjectives - sum_{i=1}^{numberOfObjectives-1} x_i / (1 + g) * (1 + sin(3 * pi * x_i)) - k = numberOfVariables - numberOfObjectives + 1 - x_i in [0, 1] - i = 1, 2, ..., numberOfVariables
  • Constructor Details

    • DTLZ7

      public DTLZ7(Integer numberOfVariables)
      numberOfVariables - Number of variables
    • DTLZ7

      public DTLZ7()
  • Method Details