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abs() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the absolute value of the complex number.
abs(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the absolute value of a list of numbers.
abs(Complex[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the absolute value of a list of complex numbers.
AbstractPopEvaluator - Class in jeco.core.operator.evaluator
Abstract class for population evaluators.
AbstractPopEvaluator() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
AbstractPopPredictor - Class in jeco.core.operator.evaluator
Abstract class for population predictors.
AbstractPopPredictor() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopPredictor
algorithm - Variable in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
Algorithm to be executed.
Algorithm<V> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Abstract class for optimization algorithms.
Algorithm(Problem<V>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.Algorithm
ALLOW_REPETITION - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
alpha - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Phoromone influence.
alreadyChosen - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Already chosen indexes.
alreadyChosen - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Already chosen individuals.
AntColony - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Ant Colony Optimization algorithm.
AntColony(Problem<Variable<Double>>, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
ants - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
archive - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
External archive
ArrayDominance - Class in jeco.core.operator.comparator
Compares two arrays of doubles.
ArrayDominance() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.comparator.ArrayDominance
assignFitness(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Assigns the fitness to the solutions
AVOID_REPETITION_IN_FRONT - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
AVOID_REPETITION_IN_SET - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover


bestFitness - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Best fitness.
bestFitness - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
Best fitness
bestFitness - Variable in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
The best fitness found so far.
bestSolution - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Best solution.
bestSolution - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
Best solution found
bestSolution - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
Best solution found.
bestValue - Variable in class jeco.core.benchmarks.Rastringin
Best value found so far.
beta - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Heuristic influence.
BinaryTournament<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.selection
BinaryTournament is a selection operator that selects the best individual from a pair of individuals
BinaryTournament() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.BinaryTournament
Creates a new instance of BinaryTournament
BinaryTournament(Comparator<Solution<T>>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.BinaryTournament
Creates a new instance of BinaryTournament
BinaryTournamentNSGAII<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.selection
BinaryTournamentNSGAII is a selection operator that selects the best individual from a pair of individuals.
BinaryTournamentNSGAII() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.BinaryTournamentNSGAII
Creates a new instance of BinaryTournamentNSGAII
bnfFilePath - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
Path to the BNF file
bnfFilePath - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
Path to the BNF file
BnfReader - Class in jeco.core.util.bnf
Class to read a BNF grammar from a file.
BnfReader() - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
BooleanMutation<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.mutation
Boolean mutation operator.
BooleanMutation(double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.BooleanMutation
Constructor Creates a new IntegerFlipMutation mutation operator instance


calculateHyperVolumes() - Method in class jeco.core.util.indicator.UnaryHyperVolume
Calculate the hypervolumes
calculateMinimumDepthRecursive(Rule, ArrayList<Rule>) - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Calculate the minimum depth of a rule.
cconvolve(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Computes the circular convolution of two arrays of doubles.
cconvolve(Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Computes the circular convolution of two arrays of Complex numbers.
ceilAndFloor - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
If true, the values of the variables are limited to the bounds of the problem.
checkInfiniteRecursion() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Check if the grammar has infinite recursion.
chi - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
PSO chi factor
CHROMOSOME_LENGTH_DEFAULT - Static variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Default length of the chromosome.
cityNames - Variable in class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
The names of the cities
classPathSeparator - Variable in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyCompiler
Class path separator
clearRuleFields() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Clear the fields of the rules.
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionProblemSimple
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ1
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ2
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ3
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ4
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ5
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ6
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ7
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.GrammaticalEvolutionProblem
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.Rastringin
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT1
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT2
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT3
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT4
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT6
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Variable
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Production
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Rule
clone() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol
clone() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
CODON_UPPER_BOUND_DEFAULT - Static variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Default upper bound for the codons.
comparator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
Comparator for the objectives.
comparator - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.FrontsExtractor
Comparator used to compare the solutions.
comparator - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.selection.BinaryTournament
Comparator used to compare individuals
comparator - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.selection.BinaryTournamentNSGAII
Comparator used to compare individuals
comparator - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.selection.TournamentSelect
ComparatorNSGAII<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.comparator
Comparator for NSGA-II algorithm.
ComparatorNSGAII() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.comparator.ComparatorNSGAII
compare(ArrayList<Double>, ArrayList<Double>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.ArrayDominance
compare(Solution<T>, Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.SimpleDominance
compare(Solution<T>, Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.SolutionDominance
compare(Solution<V>, Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.ComparatorNSGAII
compare(Solution<V>, Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.EpsilonDominanceComparator
compare(Solution<V>, Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.ObjectiveComparator
compare(Solution<V>, Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.PropertyComparator
compareTo(Solution<V>, Comparator<Solution<V>>) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
Compares two solutions.
compilationDir - Variable in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyLoader
Directory where the compiled classes are stored.
compile(Collection<String>) - Method in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyCompiler
Compiles a collection of files
compiler - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
compiler - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
completeWithZero(Complex[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Completes the array with zeros until the next power of 2.
Complex - Class in jeco.unstable.util
This class represents a complex number.
Complex(double, double) - Constructor for class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Creates a new complex number with the given real and imaginary parts.
computeFIT() - Method in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
Compute the fitness of the individuals.
computeParetoOptimalFront(int) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT1
Compute the Pareto optimal front
computeParetoOptimalFront(int) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT2
Compute the Pareto optimal front
computeParetoOptimalFront(int) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT3
Compute the Pareto optimal front
computeParetoOptimalFront(int) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT4
Compute the Pareto optimal front
computeParetoOptimalFront(int) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT6
Compute the Pareto optimal front
conjugate() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the complex conjugate of the invoking complex number.
console - Variable in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyCompiler
Console output of the compiler
conv(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the convolution of two lists of numbers.
convolve(double[], double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Computes the linear convolution of two arrays of doubles.
convolve(Complex[], Complex[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Computes the linear convolution of two arrays of Complex numbers.
correctSol - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Correct solution or not.
cos() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the cosine of the invoking complex number.
crossoverOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Crossover operator
crossoverOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Crossover operator
crossoverOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Crossover operator
crossoverOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Crossover operator.
crossoverOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Crossover operator
CrossoverOperator<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.crossover
Abstract class for crossover operators.
CrossoverOperator() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.crossover.CrossoverOperator
CrowdingDistance<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.assigner
Assigns the crowding distance to the solutions in the population.
CrowdingDistance(int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.assigner.CrowdingDistance
currentGeneration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Current generation.
currentGeneration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Current generation.
currentGeneration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Current generation
currentGeneration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Current generation
currentGeneration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Current generation
currentGeneration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
currentGeneration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Current generation.
currentGeneration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Current generation
currentIdx - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Current index.
currentIteration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Current iteration.
currentIteration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
Current iteration
currentIteration - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
Current iteration.
currentSolution - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
Current solution.
currentWrp - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Current wrapping.
CycleCrossover<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.crossover
Class for cycle crossover.
CycleCrossover() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.crossover.CycleCrossover
CycleCrossover(double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.crossover.CycleCrossover


data - Variable in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
The data table.
dataLimits - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Data limits
dataTable - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
Data table
dataTable - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
Data table
dataTable - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Data table
DataTable - Class in jeco.core.util
This class represents a data table.
DataTable(GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem, String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.DataTable
DEFAULT_C1 - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DEFAULT_C10 - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DEFAULT_C1T - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DEFAULT_C2 - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DEFAULT_C20 - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DEFAULT_C2T - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DEFAULT_CHI - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DEFAULT_DIVERSIFICATION_RATIO - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.selection.DiversificationRandom
Default diversification ratio, as a percentage of the population size.
DEFAULT_ELITE_SIZE - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.selection.EliteSelectorOperator
Default number of elite individuals
DEFAULT_ETA_C - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SBXCrossover
DEFAULT_ETA_C defines a default index crossover
DEFAULT_ETA_M - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.PolynomialMutation
DEFAULT_INDEX_MUTATION defines a default index for mutation
DEFAULT_FIXED_CROSSOVER_POINT - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
DEFAULT_PERTURBATION_INDEX - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.NonUniformMutation
DEFAULT_PERTURBATION_INDEX stores the default perturbation index value
DEFAULT_PERTURBATION_INDEX - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.UniformMutation
DEFAULT_PROBABILITY - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.CycleCrossover
DEFAULT_PROBABILITY - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SBXCrossover
DEFAULT_PROBABILITY - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
DEFAULT_TOURNAMENT_SIZE - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.selection.TournamentSelect
DEFAULT_W - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DEFAULT_W0 - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DEFAULT_WT - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
DefaultNeighborGenerator<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.generator
Default neighbor generator.
DefaultNeighborGenerator(Problem<V>, Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.generator.DefaultNeighborGenerator
diff(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the difference in a list of numbers.
DifferentialEvolution - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Class implementing the differential evolution technique for problem solving.
DifferentialEvolution(Problem<Variable<Double>>, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Double, Double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Class constructor.
DifferentialEvolutionInt - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Class implementing the differential evolution technique for problem solving.
DifferentialEvolutionInt(Problem<Variable<Integer>>, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Double, Double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Class constructor.
dim - Variable in class jeco.core.util.indicator.UnaryHyperVolume
Number of objectives
distanceMatrix - Variable in class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
The distance matrix
diversificationOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
DiversificationRandom<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.selection
Random diversification operator.
DiversificationRandom() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.DiversificationRandom
DiversificationRandom(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.DiversificationRandom
diversificationSize - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.selection.DiversificationRandom
Size of the diversification set.
divides(Complex) - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the complex number that results from dividing the invoking complex number by the complex number b.
doCrossover(double, Solution<T>, Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
Executes the operation
doCrossover(double, Solution<V>, Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.CycleCrossover
Executes the operation
doCrossover(double, Solution<V>, Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SBXCrossover
Executes the crossover operation
dominance - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Dominance comparator.
dominance - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Dominance comparator.
dominance - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Dominance operator
dominance - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Dominance comparator
dominance - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Dominance comparator
dominance - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
dominance - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Dominance comparator.
dominance - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
Dominance comparator
dominance - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Dominance comparator
doubleToComplex(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Transforms an array of doubles into an array of Complex numbers.
DTLZ - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz
Abstract class for DTLZ problems
DTLZ(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ
DTLZ1 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz
DTLZ1 problem This class represents the DTLZ1 problem.
DTLZ1() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ1
DTLZ1(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ1
DTLZ2 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz
DTLZ2 problem This class represents the DTLZ2 problem.
DTLZ2() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ2
DTLZ2(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ2
DTLZ3 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz
DTLZ3 problem This class represents the DTLZ3 problem.
DTLZ3() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ3
DTLZ3(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ3
DTLZ4 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz
DTLZ4 problem This class represents the DTLZ4 problem.
DTLZ4() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ4
DTLZ4(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ4
DTLZ5 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz
DTLZ5 problem This class represents the DTLZ5 problem.
DTLZ5() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ5
DTLZ5(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ5
DTLZ6 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz
DTLZ6 problem This class represents the DTLZ6 problem.
DTLZ6() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ6
DTLZ6(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ6
DTLZ7 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz
DTLZ7 problem This class represents the DTLZ7 problem.
DTLZ7() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ7
DTLZ7(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ7
dynamicParameters - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
Dynamic parameters
dynamicVelocity - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
Dynamic velocity
dynamicVelocity - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
Use dynamic velocity or not


EliteSelectorOperator<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.selection
EliteSelectorOperator selects the best individuals from the population.
EliteSelectorOperator() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.EliteSelectorOperator
Creates a new instance of EliteSelectorOperator
EliteSelectorOperator(int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.EliteSelectorOperator
Creates a new instance of EliteSelectorOperator
eliteSize - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.selection.EliteSelectorOperator
Number of elite individuals
EpsilonDominanceComparator<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.comparator
Compares two solutions according to the epsilon-dominance relation.
EpsilonDominanceComparator(double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.comparator.EpsilonDominanceComparator
equals(Object) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
equals(Object) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Variable
equals(Symbol) - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol
Check if a symbol is equal to another
eta_c - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SBXCrossover
eta_c stores the index for crossover to use
eta_m - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.PolynomialMutation
eta_m stores the index for mutation to use
euclideanDistance(Solution<T>, Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Computes the euclidean distance between two solutions
evaluate(int, int) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Evaluate the expression
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ
Evaluate a solution
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ1
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ2
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ3
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ4
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ5
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ6
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ7
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.Rastringin
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT
Evaluate a single solution
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT1
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT2
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT3
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT4
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT6
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Integer>>, GrammaticalEvolutionPhenotype) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionProblemSimple
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Integer>>, GrammaticalEvolutionPhenotype) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Integer>>, GrammaticalEvolutionPhenotype) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Integer>>, GrammaticalEvolutionPhenotype) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.GrammaticalEvolutionProblem
evaluate(Solution<Variable<Integer>>, GrammaticalEvolutionPhenotype) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Evaluate the solution.
evaluate(Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
evaluate(Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Function to evaluate a solution.
evaluate(Solutions<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ
evaluate(Solutions<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.Rastringin
evaluate(Solutions<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT
evaluate(Solutions<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
evaluate(Solutions<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
evaluate(Solutions<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
evaluate(Solutions<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
evaluate(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
evaluate(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Function to evaluate a set of solutions.
evaluateExpression(int) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Evaluate the expression
evaluator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionProblemSimple
evaluator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
evaluator - Variable in class jeco.core.benchmarks.GrammaticalEvolutionProblem
The evaluator is used to evaluate the function.
evaporationRate - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Evaporation rate.
EvolutionaryStrategy<V> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Evolutionary Strategy algorithm.
EvolutionaryStrategy(Problem<V>, MutationOperator<V>, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
EvolutionaryStrategy(Problem<V>, MutationOperator<V>, int, int, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.Algorithm
Executes the algorithm
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolutionSimple
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
execute() - Method in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
Execute the algorithm.
execute(Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.BooleanMutation
execute(Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.IntegerFlipMutation
execute(Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.MutationOperator
execute(Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.NonUniformMutation
execute(Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.PolynomialMutation
execute(Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.SwapMutation
execute(Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.UniformMutation
execute(Solution<T>, Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.CrossoverOperator
execute(Solution<T>, Solution<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
Executes the operation
execute(Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.generator.DefaultNeighborGenerator
execute(Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.generator.NeighborGenerator
Method to generate neighbors
execute(Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.generator.SwapNeighborGenerator
execute(Solution<V>, Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.CycleCrossover
Executes the operation
execute(Solution<V>, Solution<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SBXCrossover
Executes the crossover operation
execute(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator
Executes the operator
execute(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.selection.BinaryTournament
execute(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.selection.BinaryTournamentNSGAII
execute(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.selection.DiversificationRandom
execute(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.selection.EliteSelectorOperator
execute(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.selection.SelectionOperator
Execute the selection operator.
execute(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.selection.TournamentSelect
execute(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.CrowdingDistance
Assigns the crowding distance to the solutions in the population.
execute(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.FrontsExtractor
Extracts the fronts of non-dominated solutions from a population.
execute(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.NicheCount
Assigns the niche count to the solutions in the population.
exp() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the exponential of the invoking complex number.
expand(Solutions<T>, Solutions<T>, int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Expands the population


f - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Mutation factor.
f - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Mutation factor.
FastFourierTransformer - Class in jeco.unstable.util
This class is used to perform Fast Fourier Transforms.
FastFourierTransformer() - Constructor for class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Creates a new FastFourierTransformer.
featuresNames - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Features names
fft(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Computes the FFT of the array of doubles.
fft(Complex[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Computes the FFT of the array of Complex numbers.
findClass(String) - Method in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyLoader
findRule(String) - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Find a rule in the grammar.
findRule(Symbol) - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Find a rule in the grammar.
fixedCrossoverPoint - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
Fixed crossover point
format(LogRecord) - Method in class jeco.core.util.logger.LoggerFormatter
formatter - Static variable in class jeco.core.util.logger.LoggerFormatter
Singleton instance of the formatter.
FrontsExtractor<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.assigner
Extracts the fronts of non-dominated solutions from a population.
FrontsExtractor(Comparator<Solution<V>>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.assigner.FrontsExtractor
func - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionProblemSimple
Function to be approximated
func - Variable in class jeco.core.benchmarks.GrammaticalEvolutionProblem
The data to fit the function.


generateClassCode(Integer, ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopPredictor
Generate the Java code for the class
generateClassFooter() - Static method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopPredictor
Generate the class footer for the predictor
generateClassHeader(Integer) - Static method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopPredictor
Generate the class header for the predictor
generateCodeAndCompile(Solutions<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
Generate the code and compile it
generatePhenotype(Solution<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Generate the phenotype of the solution.
generateUpdatePredictor(ArrayList<String>) - Static method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopPredictor
Generate the update predictor method
GENERATIONAL - Enum constant in enum class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator.REDUCTION_TYPE
geoMean(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the geometric mean of a list of numbers.
getClassPathSeparator() - Method in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyCompiler
Gets the class path separator
getCurrentSolution() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Get the current non-dominated population
getCurrentSolution() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Get the current solution.
getData() - Method in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
Get the data table.
getDataLimits(int, int) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Get the data limits
getDataLimits(String) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Get the data limits
getDataTable() - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Get the data table
getDataTable(int, int) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Get the data table
getDataTable(String, int) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Get the data table
getElapsedTime(long) - Method in class jeco.core.util.logger.LoggerFormatter
Returns the time elapsed since the start of the program in the format HH:MM:SS.mmm.
getImag() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the imaginary part of the complex number.
getLeaders() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Get the leaders of the whole optimization.
getLowerBound(int) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Get the lower bound of a variable.
getNeighborsSize() - Method in class jeco.core.operator.generator.NeighborGenerator
Get the number of neighbors to generate
getNumberOfObjectives() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Get the number of objectives.
getNumberOfVariables() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Get the number of variables.
getObjective(int) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
Gets the value of a given objective.
getObjectives() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
Returns the set of objectives.
getOutput() - Method in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyCompiler
Gets the console output
getPath() - Method in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
Get the path to the data file.
getPopulation() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Get the current population
getPopulation() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Get the population
getPredictorColumn() - Method in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
Get the number of input columns.
getProperties() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
Returns the user properties of the solution.
getReal() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the real part of the complex number.
getRules() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Get the rules of the grammar.
getSolutions() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Get the population of solutions.
getUpperBound(int) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Get the upper bound of a variable.
getValue() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Variable
Get the value of the variable.
getVariable(int) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
Gets a given decision variable.
getVariables() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
Get the variables of the solution.
getWorkDir() - Method in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyCompiler
Gets the working directory
gr - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Recombination factor.
gr - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Recombination factor.
GrammaticalEvolution - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Multi-objective Grammatical Evolution Algorithm.
GrammaticalEvolution(Problem<Variable<Integer>>, int, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
GrammaticalEvolution(Problem<Variable<Integer>>, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem - Class in jeco.core.problem
Abstract class for grammatical evolution problems.
GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem(String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem(String, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
GrammaticalEvolutionPhenotype - Class in jeco.core.problem
Class to represent the phenotype of a GE individual
GrammaticalEvolutionPhenotype() - Constructor for class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionPhenotype
GrammaticalEvolutionProblem - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks
This class represents a simple example for the Grammatical Evolution algorithm.
GrammaticalEvolutionProblem(String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.GrammaticalEvolutionProblem
Constructor of the class.
GrammaticalEvolutionProblemSimple - Class in jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates
Example Please note that using the Script Engine is too slow.
GrammaticalEvolutionProblemSimple(String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionProblemSimple
GrammaticalEvolutionSimple - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Grammatical evolution using just one objective.
GrammaticalEvolutionSimple(Problem<Variable<Integer>>, int, int, double, double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolutionSimple
GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel - Class in jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates
Class to develop "static" (non-temporal) models This class must be carefully revised and tested.
GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel - Class in jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates
Class to develop "temporal" models
GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel(String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel


ifft(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Computes the inverse FFT of the array of doubles.
ifft(Complex[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Computes the inverse FFT of the array of Complex numbers.
imag - Variable in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
The imaginary part of the complex number.
improvementOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
INFINITY - Static variable in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Constant representing infinity.
initialize() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.Algorithm
Initializes the algorithm with a random population
initialize() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolutionSimple
initialize(Solutions<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
initialize(Solutions<Variable<Double>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
initialize(Solutions<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
initialize(Solutions<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
initialize(Solutions<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolutionSimple
initialize(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
initialize(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
initialize(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.Algorithm
Initializes the algorithm
initialize(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
initialize(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
initialize(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
initialize(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
initialize(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
initialize(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
initialize(Solutions<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
initPheromone - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Initial pheromone.
IntegerFlipMutation<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.mutation
IntegerFlipMutation mutation operator.
IntegerFlipMutation(Problem<T>, double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.IntegerFlipMutation
Constructor Creates a new IntegerFlipMutation mutation operator instance
intPermutation(int) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Generate a random permutation of the integers between 0 and length - 1.
isInfinitlyRecursive(Rule) - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Check if a rule is infinitely recursive.
isInteger(String) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.StringManagement
This method checks if a string is an integer.
isInteger(String, int) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.StringManagement
This method checks if a string is an integer.
isTerminal() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol
Checks if a symbol is terminal


jeco.core.algorithms - package jeco.core.algorithms
jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates - package jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates
jeco.core.benchmarks - package jeco.core.benchmarks
jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz - package jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz
jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt - package jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt
jeco.core.operator.assigner - package jeco.core.operator.assigner
jeco.core.operator.comparator - package jeco.core.operator.comparator
jeco.core.operator.crossover - package jeco.core.operator.crossover
jeco.core.operator.evaluator - package jeco.core.operator.evaluator
jeco.core.operator.generator - package jeco.core.operator.generator
jeco.core.operator.mutation - package jeco.core.operator.mutation
jeco.core.operator.reduction - package jeco.core.operator.reduction
jeco.core.operator.selection - package jeco.core.operator.selection
jeco.core.parallel - package jeco.core.parallel
jeco.core.problem - package jeco.core.problem
jeco.core.util - package jeco.core.util
jeco.core.util.bnf - package jeco.core.util.bnf
jeco.core.util.compiler - package jeco.core.util.compiler
jeco.core.util.indicator - package jeco.core.util.indicator
jeco.core.util.logger - package jeco.core.util.logger
jeco.core.util.random - package jeco.core.util.random
jeco.unstable.util - package jeco.unstable.util
JecoLogger - Class in jeco.core.util.logger
Logger class to setup the logger.
JecoLogger() - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.logger.JecoLogger


K - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
K/sigma value


lambda - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Number of offspring
leaders - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
External archive
leaders - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
leaders - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Leaders of the population.
lhs - Variable in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Rule
Left hand side symbol of the rule
load(String) - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Load a BNF grammar from a file.
loadClass(String) - Method in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyLoader
loadData(String) - Method in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
Load the data from the file.
loadProperties(String) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
Load properties
LOGGER - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
LoggerFormatter - Class in jeco.core.util.logger
Formatter for the logger.
LoggerFormatter() - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.logger.LoggerFormatter
Constructs a new formatter.
lowerBound - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Lower bound of the variables.


main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionProblemSimple
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.GrammaticalEvolutionProblem
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.indicator.UnaryHyperVolume
main(String[]) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
MasterWorkerThreads<V> - Class in jeco.core.parallel
Master/worker pattern for parallel evaluation of solutions.
MasterWorkerThreads(Algorithm<V>, Problem<V>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
MasterWorkerThreads(Algorithm<V>, Problem<V>, Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
Maths - Class in jeco.unstable.util
This class contains a set of mathematical functions that are used in the calculation of the statistics of the data.
Maths() - Constructor for class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
max(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the maximum of a list of numbers.
MAX_CNT_WRAPPINGS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Default maximum number of wrappings.
maxCntWrappings - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Maximum number of wrappings.
maxGenerations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Maximum number of generations.
maxGenerations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Maximum number of generations.
maxGenerations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Maximum number of generations
maxGenerations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Maximum number of generations
maxGenerations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Maximum number of generations
maxGenerations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
maxGenerations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Maximum number of generations.
maxGenerations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Maximum number of generations
maxIterations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Maximum number of iterations.
maxIterations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
Maximum number of iterations
maxIterations - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
Maximum number of iterations.
maxPopulationSize - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Maximum population size
maxPopulationSize - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Maximum population size
maxPopulationSize - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
maxPopulationSize - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Maximum population size.
maxPopulationSize - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Maximum population size
maxT - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
max iterations
maxT - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
Maximum number of generations
mean(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the mean of an array of numbers.
mean(List<Double>) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the mean of a list of numbers.
median(List<Double>) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the median of a list of numbers.
min(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the minimum of a list of numbers.
minimumDepth - Variable in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Production
Minimum depth of parse tree for production to map to terminal symbol(s)
minimumDepth - Variable in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Rule
Minimum depth of parse tree for production to map to terminal symbol(s)
minus(Complex) - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the difference of the invoking complex number and the complex number b.
mu - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Population size
muPopulation - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
mutationOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Mutation operator
mutationOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Mutation operator
mutationOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Mutation operator
mutationOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Mutation operator.
mutationOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Mutation operator
MutationOperator<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.mutation
Mutation operator.
MutationOperator(double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.MutationOperator
MyCompiler - Class in jeco.core.util.compiler
Compiles source and also makes sure that reloading a compiled class does not "caches" the first compiled class.
MyCompiler(String, String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyCompiler
MyLoader - Class in jeco.core.util.compiler
Compiles source and also makes sure that reloading a compiled class does not "caches" the first compiled class.
MyLoader(String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyLoader


nadir - Variable in class jeco.core.util.indicator.UnaryHyperVolume
Reference points
neighborGenerator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
Neighbor generator.
NeighborGenerator<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.generator
Class designed to generate neighbors, initially for Tabu Search, but it can be used for other algorithms.
NeighborGenerator(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.generator.NeighborGenerator
neighborsSize - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.generator.NeighborGenerator
The number of neighbors to generate
newRandomSetOfSolutions(int) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.dtlz.DTLZ
newRandomSetOfSolutions(int) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.Rastringin
newRandomSetOfSolutions(int) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
newRandomSetOfSolutions(int) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT
newRandomSetOfSolutions(int) - Method in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
newRandomSetOfSolutions(int) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
newRandomSetOfSolutions(int) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Function to create a new random set of solutions.
nextBoolean() - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Generate a random boolean value (true or false).
nextDouble() - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Generate a random double number between 0 and 1.
nextDouble(double) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Generate a random double number between 0 and upperBound.
nextDouble(double, double) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Generate a random double number between lowerBound and upperBound.
nextInt(int) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Generate a random integer number between 0 and upperBound.
nextInt(int, int) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Generate a random integer number between lowerBound and upperBound.
nextInteger(int) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Generate a random integer number between 0 and upperBound.
nextInteger(int, int) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Generate a random integer number between 0 and upperBound.
NicheCount<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.assigner
Assigns the niche count to the solutions in the population.
NicheCount(int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.assigner.NicheCount
NonUniformMutation<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.mutation
This class implements a non-uniform mutation operator.
NonUniformMutation(Problem<T>, double, double, int, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.NonUniformMutation
Constructor Creates a new instance of the non uniform mutation
NonUniformMutation(Problem<T>, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.NonUniformMutation
Constructor Creates a new instance of the non uniform mutation
normalize() - Method in class jeco.core.util.indicator.UnaryHyperVolume
Normalize the fronts and the reference front
normalize(ArrayList<Solutions<Variable<?>>>, int) - Static method in class jeco.core.problem.Solutions
Function that normalize a set of fronts in the interval [1,2]
normalize(ArrayList<Solutions<Variable<?>>>, int, double, double) - Static method in class jeco.core.problem.Solutions
Function that normalizes a set of fronts in the given interval.
np - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Parent number.
np - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Parent number.
NSGAII<V> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
NSGA-II algorithm
NSGAII(Problem<V>, int, int, MutationOperator<V>, CrossoverOperator<V>, SelectionOperator<V>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
NSPSO<V> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Xiaodong Li A Non-dominated Sorting Particle Swarm Optimizer for Multiobjective Optimization GECCO-2003, Springer-Verlag, 2003, 2723, 37-48 Input parameters: - C1: PSO c1 factor - C2: PSO c2 factor - CHI: PSO chi factor - MAX_ITERATIONS - NUM_PARTICLES - SORTING_METHOD: CROWDING_DISTANCE, CROWDING_DISTANCE_REPLACE, NICHE_COUNT, NICHE_COUNT_REPLACE - TOP_PART_PERCENTAGE: 0.05 usually, but I am using 0.25 - W: PSO w factor
NSPSO(Problem<V>, int, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
NSPSO(Problem<V>, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
NSPSO(Problem<V>, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
NSPSO(Problem<V>, int, int, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
NSPSO(Problem<V>, int, int, double, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
NT_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol.SYMBOL_TYPE
NUM_OF_OBJECTIVES_DEFAULT - Static variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Default number of objectives.
numAnts - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Number of ants.
numberOfCities - Variable in class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
The number of cities
numberOfObjectives - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.CrowdingDistance
Number of objectives of the problem.
numberOfObjectives - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.NicheCount
Number of objectives of the problem.
numberOfObjectives - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Number of objectives of the problem.
numberOfVariables - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Number of variables of the problem.
numInputColumns - Variable in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
The number of input columns.
numSolutions - Variable in class jeco.core.parallel.Worker
Number of solutions to be evaluated.
numStates - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Number of states.
numTotalColumns - Variable in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
The number of total columns.
numWorkers - Variable in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
Number of workers.


obj - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.ObjectiveComparator
ObjectiveComparator<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.comparator
Compares two solutions according to the value of one of their objectives.
ObjectiveComparator(int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.comparator.ObjectiveComparator
objectives - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
Objectives of the solution.
OMOPSO<V> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
OMOPSO(Problem<V>, int, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
OMOPSO(Problem<V>, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO


path - Variable in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
The path to the data file.
pathToBnf - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Path to the BNF file.
perturbationIndex - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.UniformMutation
Stores the value used in a uniform mutation operator
phase() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the phase of the complex number.
plus(Complex) - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the sum of the invoking complex number and the complex number b.
plus(Complex, Complex) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
A static version of the plus method.
pod(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the power of a list of numbers.
PolynomialMutation<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.mutation
This class implements a polynomial mutation operator.
PolynomialMutation(Problem<T>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.PolynomialMutation
Constructor Creates a new instance of the polynomial mutation operator
PolynomialMutation(Problem<T>, double, double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.PolynomialMutation
population - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Population of solutions.
population - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Population of solutions.
population - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
population - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
population - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
population - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Population of solutions.
population - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
pow(double[], double) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the power of a list of numbers.
predictor - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
probability - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.CycleCrossover
Probability of crossover
probability - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SBXCrossover
probability stores the probability of crossover
probability - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
Probability of crossover
probability - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.MutationOperator
probability - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.UniformMutation
Stores the probability of mutation
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.Algorithm
Problem to be solved
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SBXCrossover
problem stores the problem
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.generator.DefaultNeighborGenerator
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.IntegerFlipMutation
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.NonUniformMutation
problem stores the problem to solve
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.PolynomialMutation
problem stores the problem to solve
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.UniformMutation
Stores the problem to solve
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
Problem to be solved.
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.parallel.Worker
Problem to be solved.
problem - Variable in class jeco.core.util.DataTable
The problem that uses this data table.
Problem<V> - Class in jeco.core.problem
Class representing a problem.
Problem(int, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.problem.Problem
problemClones - Variable in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
Clones of the problem for each worker.
processProduction(Production, Solution<Variable<Integer>>, LinkedList<String>) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
Process the production.
Production - Class in jeco.core.util.bnf
Represents a production in a BNF grammar.
Production() - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.bnf.Production
Default constructor
properties - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
User properties of the solution.
PropertyComparator<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.comparator
Compares two solutions according to the value of one of their properties.
PropertyComparator(String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.comparator.PropertyComparator
propertyCrowdingDistance - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.CrowdingDistance
Property name for the crowding distance.
propertyIndexS - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.FrontsExtractor
Property name for the index of the solutions.
propertyN - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.FrontsExtractor
Property name for the number of solutions in the population.
propertyName - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.PropertyComparator
propertyNicheCount - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.NicheCount
Property name for the niche count.
propertyRank - Static variable in class jeco.core.operator.assigner.FrontsExtractor
Property name for the rank of the solutions.


q - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Quantity of pheromone deposited.


randomGenerator - Static variable in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
RandomGenerator - Class in jeco.core.util.random
This class provides a set of methods to generate random numbers.
RandomGenerator() - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Rastringin - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks
Rastringin benchmark function.
Rastringin(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.Rastringin
readBNFString(String) - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Read a BNF grammar from a string.
readBNFString2(String) - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Read a BNF grammar from a string.
reader - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionAbstractProblem
BNF reader.
readFrontFromFile(String) - Static method in class jeco.core.problem.Solutions
Function that reads a set of solutions from a file.
readFrontsFromFile(String) - Static method in class jeco.core.problem.Solutions
Function that reads N sets of solutions from a file.
readProblem(String) - Method in class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
Read the problem from an XML file.
real - Variable in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
The real part of the complex number.
reciprocal() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the reciprocal of the invoking complex number.
recursive - Variable in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Production
Recursive nature of production
recursive - Variable in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Rule
Recursive nature of rule
reduce(Solutions<Variable<Integer>>, int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Reduce the population to a maximum size
reduce(Solutions<T>, int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Reduces the population to a maximum size
reduce(Solutions<V>, int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Reduce the population to a maximum size
reduceByFitness(Solutions<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Reduces the population by fitness
reduceExternalArchive(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
Reduce the external archive
reduceLeaders() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
Reduce the leaders to the swarm size
reduceLeaders() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Reduce the leaders to the maximum population size.
reduceToNonDominated(Comparator<Solution<V>>) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solutions
Keep this set of solutions non-dominated.
ReductionOperator<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.reduction
ReductionOperator removes replacementSize Individuals from the population
ReductionOperator() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator
Creates a new instance of ReductionOperator
ReductionOperator(double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator
Creates a new instance of ReductionOperator
ReductionOperator(int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator
Creates a new instance of ReductionOperator
ReductionOperator(ReductionOperator.REDUCTION_TYPE) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator
Creates a new instance of ReductionOperator
ReductionOperator.REDUCTION_TYPE - Enum Class in jeco.core.operator.reduction
Enumerates the different types of replacement
reductionSize - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator
Number of individuals to remove
reductionType - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator
Type of replacement
repetition - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
Repetition mode.
rho - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Recombination offspring number
RHO_DEFAULT - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Recombination offspring number
Rule - Class in jeco.core.util.bnf
Represents a rule in a BNF grammar.
Rule() - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.bnf.Rule
rules - Variable in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
List of rules in the grammar.
run() - Method in class jeco.core.parallel.Worker


SBXCrossover<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.crossover
Class for simulated binary crossover.
SBXCrossover(Problem<V>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SBXCrossover
SBXCrossover(Problem<V>, double, double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SBXCrossover
ScatterSearch<V> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Scatter Search algorithm
ScatterSearch(Problem<V>, Integer, Integer, Boolean, SelectionOperator<V>, MutationOperator<V>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
SELECTION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
SELECTION_PLUS - Static variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Selection types
selectionOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Selection operator
selectionOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Selection operator
selectionOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Selection operator
selectionOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Selection operator.
selectionOperator - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Selection operator
SelectionOperator<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.selection
Abstract class for selection operators.
SelectionOperator() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.SelectionOperator
selectionType - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Selection type
setCrossoverOperator(CrossoverOperator<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Set the crossover operator
setCrossoverOperator(CrossoverOperator<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Sets the crossover operator
setCrossoverOperator(CrossoverOperator<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Set the crossover operator
setCurrentIteration(int) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.NonUniformMutation
Sets the current iteration
setDataLimits(int[]) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Set the data limits
setDataTable(ArrayList<double[]>) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Set the data table
setFeaturesNames(ArrayList) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopEvaluator
Set the features names
setMaxGenerations(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Set the maximum number of generations
setMaxGenerations(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Set the maximum number of generations
setMaxGenerations(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Sets the maximum number of generations
setMaxPopulationSize(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Set the maximum population size
setMaxPopulationSize(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Set the maximum population size
setMaxPopulationSize(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Sets the maximum population size
setMaxT(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
Sets the maximum number of iterations
setMaxT(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
Set the maximum number of generations
setMutationOperator(MutationOperator<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
Set the mutation operator
setMutationOperator(MutationOperator<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Sets the mutation operator
setMutationOperator(MutationOperator<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Set the mutation operator
setNeighborsSize(Integer) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.generator.NeighborGenerator
Set the number of neighbors to generate
setObj(int) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.comparator.ObjectiveComparator
setProbability(double) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
setProbability(double) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.mutation.MutationOperator
setProblem(Problem<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.Algorithm
Sets the problem to be solved
setProductionMinimumDepth(Rule) - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.BnfReader
Set the minimum depth of the productions of a rule.
setSeed(long) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.random.RandomGenerator
Set the seed of the random generator.
setSelectionOperator(SelectionOperator<Variable<Integer>>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
setSelectionOperator(SelectionOperator<T>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
Sets the selection operator
setSelectionOperator(SelectionOperator<V>) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
Set the selection operator
setSwarmSize(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
Sets the swarm size
setSwarmSize(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
Set the swarm size
setup() - Static method in class jeco.core.util.logger.JecoLogger
Setup the logger with the default file path and level.
setup(String, Level) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.logger.JecoLogger
Setup the logger with the specified file path and level.
setup(Level) - Static method in class jeco.core.util.logger.JecoLogger
Setup the logger with the specified level.
setValue(T) - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Variable
Set the value of the variable.
sharedQueue - Variable in class jeco.core.parallel.MasterWorkerThreads
Shared queue of solutions.
sharedQueue - Variable in class jeco.core.parallel.Worker
Shared queue of solutions.
show(Complex[], String) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Shows the array of Complex numbers.
SimpleDominance<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.comparator
Compares two solutions according to the value of their first objective.
SimpleDominance() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.comparator.SimpleDominance
SimpleGeneticAlgorithm<V> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
This class implements a simple genetic algorithm.
SimpleGeneticAlgorithm(Problem<V>, Integer, Integer, Boolean, MutationOperator<V>, CrossoverOperator<V>, SelectionOperator<V>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
SimulatedAnnealing<T> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Class implementing the simulated annealing technique for problem solving.
SimulatedAnnealing(Problem<T>, Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
This constructor allows to establish the maximum number of iterations.
SimulatedAnnealing(Problem<T>, Integer, Double, Double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
Parameterized constructor
sin() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the sine of the invoking complex number.
SinglePointCrossover<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.crossover
Class for single point crossover.
SinglePointCrossover(Problem<T>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
SinglePointCrossover(Problem<T>, boolean, double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
SinglePointCrossover(Problem<T>, boolean, double, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.crossover.SinglePointCrossover
Solution<V> - Class in jeco.core.problem
Class representing a solution in a problem.
Solution(int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.problem.Solution
SolutionDominance<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.comparator
Compares two solutions according to the dominance relation.
SolutionDominance() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.comparator.SolutionDominance
Solutions<V> - Class in jeco.core.problem
Class representing a set of solutions in a problem.
Solutions() - Constructor for class jeco.core.problem.Solutions
SPEA2<T> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
SPEA2 algorithm
SPEA2(Problem<T>, int, int, MutationOperator<T>, CrossoverOperator<T>, SelectionOperator<T>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
startTime - Variable in class jeco.core.util.logger.LoggerFormatter
Time when the program started.
std(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the standard deviation of an array of numbers.
std(List<Double>) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the standard deviation of a list of numbers.
STEADY_STATE - Enum constant in enum class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator.REDUCTION_TYPE
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.Algorithm
Executes one step of the algorithm
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolution
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.GrammaticalEvolutionSimple
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSGAII
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.SPEA2
step() - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
stopWhenSolved - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.AntColony
Stop when the optimal solution (considered zero) is found.
stopWhenSolved - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
If true, the algorithm stops when the optimal solution is found.
stopWhenSolved - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
If true, the algorithm stops when the optimal solution is found.
stopWhenSolved - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.EvolutionaryStrategy
Stop if the optimal solution is found
stopWhenSolved - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ScatterSearch
stopWhenSolved - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimpleGeneticAlgorithm
Stop when the optimal solution is found.
stopWhenSolved - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
Stop when the optimal solution is found.
StringManagement - Class in jeco.core.util
This class contains methods to manage strings.
StringManagement() - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.StringManagement
sum(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the sum of an array of numbers.
sum(List<Double>) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the sum of a list of numbers.
SwapMutation<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.mutation
SwapMutation mutation operator.
SwapMutation(double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.SwapMutation
Constructor Creates a new IntegerFlipMutation mutation operator instance
SwapNeighborGenerator<V> - Class in jeco.core.operator.generator
Class designed to generate neighbors.
SwapNeighborGenerator(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.generator.SwapNeighborGenerator
swarm - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
PSOList of particles
swarm - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
Symbol - Class in jeco.core.util.bnf
Class to represent a symbol in a grammar
Symbol() - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol
Symbol(String, Symbol.SYMBOL_TYPE) - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol
Symbol(Symbol.SYMBOL_TYPE) - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol
Symbol.SYMBOL_TYPE - Enum Class in jeco.core.util.bnf
Enum to represent the type of the symbol
symbolString - Variable in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol
Symbol string


t - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.NSPSO
t - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.OMOPSO
Current number of generations
T_SYMBOL - Enum constant in enum class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol.SYMBOL_TYPE
tabuList - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
Tabu list.
TabuSearch<V> - Class in jeco.core.algorithms
Tabu search algorithm.
TabuSearch(Problem<V>, Integer, Integer, Boolean, NeighborGenerator<V>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
tabuSize - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.TabuSearch
Size of the tabu list.
tan() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the tangent of the invoking complex number.
targetObj - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.SimulatedAnnealing
Target objective.
targetVector(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolution
Returns a target vector from the population selected by random not selected before, and different to i.
targetVector(int) - Method in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt
Returns a target vector from the population selected by random not selected before, and different to i.
threadId - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionStaticModel
Thread ID
threadId - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.ge_templates.GrammaticalEvolutionTemporalModel
Thread ID
times(double) - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the product of the invoking complex number and the scalar alpha.
times(Complex) - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
Returns the product of the invoking complex number and the complex number b.
toString() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.GrammaticalEvolutionPhenotype
toString() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
toString() - Method in class jeco.core.problem.Solutions
toString() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Production
toString() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Rule
toString() - Method in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol
toString() - Method in class jeco.unstable.util.Complex
totalVar(double[]) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.Maths
This method calculates the variance of a list of numbers.
TournamentSelect<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.selection
TournamentSelect is a selection operator that selects the best individual from a set of individuals.
TournamentSelect() - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.TournamentSelect
TournamentSelect(int, Comparator<Solution<T>>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.TournamentSelect
TournamentSelect(Comparator<Solution<T>>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.selection.TournamentSelect
tournamentSize - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.selection.TournamentSelect
TSP - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks
Traveling Salesman Problem.
TSP(String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
type - Variable in class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol
Symbol type


UnaryHyperVolume - Class in jeco.core.util.indicator
This class implements the unary hypervolume indicator as proposed in Zitzler, E., and Thiele, L. (1998): Multiobjective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms - A Comparative Case Study.
UnaryHyperVolume(ArrayList<String>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.indicator.UnaryHyperVolume
UnaryHyperVolume(ArrayList<String>, String) - Constructor for class jeco.core.util.indicator.UnaryHyperVolume
UniformMutation<T> - Class in jeco.core.operator.mutation
UniformMutation mutation operator.
UniformMutation(Problem<T>) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.UniformMutation
Constructor Creates a new uniform mutation operator instance
UniformMutation(Problem<T>, double, double) - Constructor for class jeco.core.operator.mutation.UniformMutation
Constructor Creates a new uniform mutation operator instance
updatePredictor(DataTable, int) - Method in class jeco.core.operator.evaluator.AbstractPopPredictor
Update the predictor
upperBound - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.Problem
Upper bound of the variables.


value - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.Variable
Value of the variable.
valueD - Variable in class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator
Fraction of individuals to remove
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator.REDUCTION_TYPE
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol.SYMBOL_TYPE
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class jeco.core.operator.reduction.ReductionOperator.REDUCTION_TYPE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class jeco.core.util.bnf.Symbol.SYMBOL_TYPE
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
Variable<T> - Class in jeco.core.problem
Class representing a variable in a problem.
Variable(T) - Constructor for class jeco.core.problem.Variable
variables - Variable in class jeco.core.problem.Solution
Variables of the solution.
verbose - Variable in class jeco.core.algorithms.DifferentialEvolutionInt


workDir - Variable in class jeco.core.util.compiler.MyCompiler
Working directory
Worker<V> - Class in jeco.core.parallel
Worker thread for parallel evaluation of solutions.
Worker(Problem<V>, LinkedBlockingQueue<Solution<V>>, int) - Constructor for class jeco.core.parallel.Worker


xmlFilePath - Variable in class jeco.core.benchmarks.TSP
The file containing the definition of the problem


ZDT - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt
Abstract class for ZDT problems ZDT problems are a family of multi-objective optimization problems.
ZDT(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT
ZDT1 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt
ZDT1 benchmark problem ZDT1 is a multi-objective optimization problem f1(x) = x1 f2(x) = g(x) * h(f1(x), g(x)) g(x) = 1 + 9 * (sum(xj) / (n-1)) h(f1, g) = 1 - sqrt(f1 / g) xj in [0, 1] Pareto optimal front is a convex curve
ZDT1() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT1
ZDT1(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT1
ZDT2 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt
ZDT2 benchmark problem ZDT2 is a multi-objective optimization problem f1(x) = x1 f2(x) = g(x) * h(f1(x), g(x)) g(x) = 1 + 9 * (sum(xj) / (n-1)) h(f1, g) = 1 - (f1 / g)^2 xj in [0, 1] Pareto optimal front: convex
ZDT2() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT2
ZDT2(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT2
ZDT3 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt
ZDT3 benchmark problem ZDT3 is a multi-objective optimization problem f1(x) = x1 f2(x) = g(x) * h(f1(x), g(x)) g(x) = 1 + 9 * (sum(xj) / (n-1)) h(f1, g) = 1 - sqrt(f1 / g) - (f1 / g) * sin(10 * pi * f1) xj in [0, 1] Pareto optimal front: non-convex
ZDT3() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT3
ZDT3(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT3
ZDT4 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt
ZDT4 benchmark problem ZDT4 is a multi-objective optimization problem f1(x) = x1 f2(x) = g(x) * h(f1(x), g(x)) g(x) = 1 + 10 * (n-1) + sum(xj^2 - 10 * cos(4 * pi * xj)) h(f1, g) = 1 - sqrt(f1 / g) x1 in [0, 1] xj in [-5, 5] Pareto optimal front: non-convex
ZDT4() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT4
ZDT4(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT4
ZDT6 - Class in jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt
ZDT6 benchmark problem ZDT6 is a multi-objective optimization problem f1(x) = 1 - exp(-4 * x1) * sin(6 * pi * x1)^6 f2(x) = g(x) * h(f1(x), g(x)) g(x) = sum(xj) / (n-1) h(f1, g) = 1 - (f1 / g)^2 xj in [0, 1] Pareto optimal front: non-convex
ZDT6() - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT6
ZDT6(Integer) - Constructor for class jeco.core.benchmarks.zdt.ZDT6
zeroPadding(Complex[], int) - Static method in class jeco.unstable.util.FastFourierTransformer
Completes the array with zeros until the next power of 2.
A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Z 
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